Waiting on God


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Waiting is a part of life, but it is not always pleasant. I’m not particularly eager to wait in line at the grocery store, at a restaurant, for the traffic light to turn, and so many more things that I could outline in this blog. If we are honest, many of us do not like to wait for anything. I believe one of the main reasons we don’t want to wait is because we have established in our mind expectations of what needs to happen in our life and when they are supposed to occur. We fail to acknowledge the truth, which is God’s timing doesn’t always align with our expectations of waiting.

The word "Wait" means to stay in a place of expectation. When we wait on God, we cultivate an expectant trust and hope in God's ability to move activities in our life that will benefit us and give Him glory. Isaiah 40:31 says, "but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. God is revealing to us in this scripture that although it may seem like we are waiting in the natural, spiritually, we are gaining momentum. When we wait on God, we are renewed, we are mounting up, we are running, we are walking, and we will not faint. When we wait on God, we are Powerful!

Some of you may be saying, "Cynthia, I don't think waiting is powerful, and if it is, I don't feel powerful." And I would have to agree; waiting doesn't feel good. But it's not about how we feel, because our feelings will change. It is about knowing and trusting in the sovereignty of God for our life. It's about allowing Him to keep us in a safe place until He establishes the right environment and situation for us to move into so that we are not out of His timing and His will. God wants us to wait on Him because He knows what we need and when we need it.

If you are struggling with waiting on God, I want to share three "Waiting Perspectives." I pray these three perspectives will encourage you to wait on the Lord with power and patience.

  1. Waiting on the Lord is a blessing and not a burden. We get to wait on Jehovah- a Loving, Kind, Merciful, Compassionate, All-knowing God who sees all and knows all. His plans are always to bless us and not harm us- to bring us to our expected end. When we decide to wait on the Lord, we can expect to be blessed beyond our expectations.

  2. Waiting on the Lord is walking in obedience to Him. When we wait on God, we walk in obedience to His word. Psalm 27:14 says, wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord. God desires that we wait on Him because no one else can do what He can do in our life, and no one else can give us what He can give us. Our obedience to waiting on God releases His blessings into our lives. When you make a decision to wait on God, you are making a decision to be obedient to Him.

  3. Waiting on the Lord benefits our life. Culture demands that we not wait on God for their benefit, but God commands that we wait on Him for our benefit. Psalm 68:19 says, "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits. God is adding value to your life even while you wait. When your waiting season is over, you will come out loaded with the benefits of heaven.

I want to challenge you to not allow impatience to move you out of your "Waiting" prematurely. You are powerful and you gain momentum when you make a decision to wait on the Lord! 

Waiting on the Lord is never in vain, and we will always gain.

Cynthia JacksonComment