Finding Purpose in the Storm


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In Mark chapter 4, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us cross over to the other side.” I can imagine the disciples may have thought this was going to be just another boat ride. However, this boat ride soon turned into a fear session among them. A great windstorm arouses, and the waves beat unto the boat so that it was already filling. (Mark 4:37) And while all of this was going on, Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a pillow. His disciples were distraught and woke Him up and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

At this time, I don’t believe the disciples knew who was in the boat with them. They called Him a teacher, but He was much more than just their teacher. He was their Messiah, the son of the living God who had the authority to calm the wind and the sea. The disciples thought they would die in the storm, but the storm was not there to kill them; it revealed who Jesus was.

Every time I read the testimony about Jesus, His disciples, and the storm, I think about the storms I’ve experienced in my life. Like the disciples, I had the same feeling of fear and desperation. I thought my storms were going to take me under, and I was going to die. But this was not the truth. The truth is the storms compelled me to call on the name of Jesus, and when I did, He showed me who He was; my Savior and a restorer of my soul.

He wasn’t just a deity sitting in heaven looking down on me, making sure I did everything right and punishing me when I didn’t. No, He is my friend, my advocate, my deliverer, and my Savior. The one who sits at the right hand of God, the Father, making intercession for you and me. And just like He heard the disciple’s cry of fear in the boat, He hears our every cry. Even when the storms of life try to silence our voice and attempt to keep us out of His presence, He still hears our cry for help.

In 1999, a storm came to the shores of my heart. I was unprepared for what would wash up once the waters were rescinded. My storm destroyed the image I had of my life. I thought I had it all safe and secured, but a tsunami exposed the breaks and gaps in my fragile foundation of life. I was broken, disappointed, fearful, and unsure of anyone and everything. Although I was experiencing tough trials and being tested in every part of my life, I know now that God had a plan for my life, even when I did not know what that plan was. The storms that occurred in my life were never meant to drown me but were there so that I could know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is who I needed and who I could trust.

Fear, inadequacy, and sadness are designed to steal what God has given us and what He has called us to do. For many years, I allowed all of these things to become my oracle. They told me my future and how it would look, and I believed and received every word. Fear words to me were, “you will never be accepted, no one cares about you, so why bother trying.” Inadequacy’s words to me were, “who do you think you are? She is prettier and smarter than you; she deserves to be where you want to be.” Sadness words to me were, “nothing good will ever happen to you, so there is no need to be happy.”

These statements were lies, but I did not know how to respond or challenge them. I provided them a space in my heart and mind, and they occupied these spaces very well. However, through my storm, I was able to hear God’s voice louder than any other voice. Just like thunder, His voice drowned out every voice that was intimidating me. Jesus entered my heart, grabbed the megaphone, and told the voices their lease had expired, and they were being evicted. God announced His truth to my heart, and I received it and began to follow His voice and leading. The more I was in the presence of the Lord, the more I heard His plans for my life and not the forecast of the storm.

The voices of fear, inadequacy, and sadness slowly faded away in the background. God’s word issued them their eviction notices, and I was no longer going to make a space for them anywhere in my life.

Receiving the revelation of who you are in Jesus is so important. When you know who you are, the storms of life will not intimidate you. You will have confidence in Jesus’ ability to give you what you need so you can weather the storm and come out on the other side with a greater insight into who He is and who you are.

The storms of your life will reveal your purpose if you remain in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is with you on the boat; call on His name and watch Him manifest His power in your life!

Cynthia JacksonComment