Live in the Possibilities of Jesus!

Possibilities-August 21. 2020

“All things are possible for the one who believes and trusts [in Me]!” (AMP)-Mark 9:23.

It is very difficult to stay focused on the possibilities Jesus talks about in Mark 9:23 when trials, tribulations, and unexpected situations try to convince us that the relief and breakthrough we desire will never arrive.

What do we do when trials, tribulations, and unexpected situations try to poison our hearts and place doubt in our minds regarding who Jesus is and what he is able to do? During these times, do we focus only on what we are seeing? Absolutely not! We position our hearts and mind to focus on what God is saying and His sovereignty over our lives.

If you are in a season where trails, tribulations, and unexpected situations are attempting to lasso your belief and trust in the possibilities of Jesus, then I want to encourage you to practice the following:

  • Let your Belief and Trust in Jesus take center stage in your situation! Don’t allow anyone or anything to convince you that Jesus does not have possibilities already prepared to see you through and out of your current situation- Jesus is faithful and will make a way!

  • Press into Jesus when you are being pressed! Meditate on God’s Word, recall His promises, and pray. He came to fulfill His word in you and through you-You were created on Purpose for Purpose!

  • Don’t forfeit your testimony by leaning into worry, anxiousness, and complaining. These things are not able to hold you and are not part of your Purpose in Christ. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight or understanding”. Jesus is greater than what you are going through-Lean into Him!

Your Belief and Trust in Jesus is your spiritual passport to possibilities! Don’t miss out on the journey with Him!

Cynthia JacksonComment