Let Go of Unhealthy Comparison

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We do not reap any benefits when we embrace and display "unhealthy comparison" thoughts and attitudes towards each other. Unhealthy Comparison will not add any value to our lives but will cause delay and frustration. So, what is "unhealthy comparison?" Unfortunately, "unhealthy comparison" looks at other people's success and what they have and uses it as a standard to live by instead of using God's standard.

As I prepared to write this blog on the topic of "unhealthy comparison," I couldn't help to think about the many times I compared my life to those who were close and not so close to me. You know the feeling. You see your friends on social media or in your community doing great things, and suddenly, you begin to question your abilities and successes. Or, your friend receives a promotion, but it's difficult for you to be happy for them because your focus is on your failures.

These are natural feelings, and they don't go away easily. When overwhelmed by these "unhealthy comparison" feelings, we must ask the Holy Spirit to intervene and help us see ourselves as God sees us- uniquely made in His image and equipped to do the work He has called us to do. So, what do we do when the "unhealthy comparison" thoughts and attitudes grip our hearts and attempt to place "shade" on our unique Purpose in Christ?

First, we have to find our identity in Jesus Christ - Jesus has set a standard for our life. When we discover who we are in Christ, it will be difficult for "unhealthy comparison" thoughts and attitudes to inspire us to compare our beginnings to someone else's middle or our middle to their beginnings. We don't want to build our lives based on someone else's standard of living. Why? Because when their standards change, we will have to change ours. Our lives should be built on God's ways and His word, which never changes and has been consistent throughout the ages. Jesus is responsible for building and perfecting who we are in Him. He is the master builder, so let Him build our identity in Him based on His standards.

Second, stay focused on what God is calling you to do. Find your authenticity in Jesus Christ. It is not always good to look at what other people are doing and mirror your God assignments after their assignments. Proverbs 24:27 says, "Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward, build your house. What is your work/field? Is it singing, writing, speaking, preaching, being a mom, or a career woman? Whatever it is, make it fit for YOU and build on it. Jesus has a specific plan for each of us. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11- God has a plan for you; seek Him, and He will reveal His Plan for you. (paraphrased) 

God's plans for your life are not subject to someone else's performance or successes. Instead, focus on Him and seek His Will; when we do this, His plans for our life will be revealed. Our responsibility is to focus on Jesus and not compare our lives to each other. Look to Jesus to complete His work in your life.

Third, we should not compare but learn from those who successfully walk in their purpose. Don't be afraid or intimidated by people who know more or do more than you. Leverage your friendships and relationships. Instead of comparing your worth, work, and assignments with others, be intentional about who you connect with and humble yourself to receive from those succeeding in their field and building their house. God called Moses to deliver the people of Israel, but he still allowed His father-in-law, Jethro, a Midianite Priest, to speak wisdom into his life. You don't have to be better than someone else; you just have to be obedient to God's calling on your life.

A lemon tree does not look at an apple tree and tries to change its fruit to match the apple tree because people desire apples more than lemons. No. The lemon tree has an assignment, just like the apple tree- to grow and produce the fruit God has assigned them to create.

God has called us to build together, not to display "unhealthy comparison" attitudes and thoughts that only lead to division, jealousy, and depression, all of which steal our time and kill our purpose.

I want to encourage you to stop comparing and begin CREATING and BUILDING for the Glory of Jesus! Jesus has appointed a time for things to manifest in your life. Trust in His process and timing, and watch how your life reveals your unique purpose in Him.

Cynthia JacksonComment