You are Blessed

Blessed This is Who You Are

The word Blessed is spoken for numerous reasons in our society. We say, “God bless you” when someone sneezes, or we say “Bless you” as a greeting. I wanted to know what the biblical meaning of the word Blessed was, so I did some research and discovered that it means to give or receive an inheritance. 

In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus used the word Blessed several times- Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed are those who mourn; Blessed are those who hunger…. Jesus is reminding us in this scripture that although we go through difficult seasons, He continues to call us Blessed. 

Loss and disappointments will try to convince you that you are not Blessed because what you are going through is tough and it hurts. The hurt is real and by no means should we try to down-play our feeling when we are going through difficult seasons. Jesus cried on several occasions and He was the son of God. So, it’s perfectly okay, and actually normal, for you to process your feelings. But I want to encourage you to not allow your feelings process you.

God calls you Blessed because He knows what your inheritance is in Him. He knows what He has to give you in these difficult seasons- His Love, Peace, Compassion, Grace and Mercy- is ready for you to access without measure and will get you through your difficult season.  

I encourage you to not label your life with your difficult season. God calls you “Blessed”, so why should you say different.


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