Believe in Jesus

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Jesus asked this question to the two blind men in Matthew 9:28, “Do you Believe that I am able to do this”? He wanted to know if they had faith in His ability to bring sight to their eyes. Their response was “yes”, and they received their sight. 

Do you Believe in Jesus ability to bring you through whatever you are currently experiencing? Do you believe that Jesus can do your “This”? Maybe your “This” is you need healing, financial breakthrough”, peace of mind, or salvation of family members. Whatever it is, Jesus is asking you the same question, “Do you Believe that I am able to do this”? The situation may look bleak, but Jesus is faithful. He came so that you could be made whole. He came so that you can experience His love, mercy, power and peace in all situations. He is there for all of us; this is why the Father sent Him- to heal the broken hearted and bind our wounds (Psalm 147:3).

I encourage you to believe in Jesus today- accept Him. Your “This” is not too big for Jesus! 


Cynthia Jackson